I am going to tell you about another new creation I made,
That is how to make a handbag out of paper. So, ladies are not necessarily a handbag, and one can have as many designs as one wants. Isn’t that, right?
But ladies cannot use this bag I am making.
This bag is essential for the school activities of young children. We have to create many designs for the actions of the little ones. You know about school activities. So now we know what you need to make this bag.
How to make a paper handbag
Things you need:
If you want to make this handbag, first you must find these things.
Two or three colored leaves in any color you like. You can take it any way you want.
We also need scissors, a bottle of gum, a ruler, a pencil, and a flower that we can use to beautify our bag or whatever you like.
So, I took a paper quilling flower I made.
I have one in my paper quilting category if you also want to know how to make my flower. Do not forget to check it out too.

Right now, we have everything we need to make the bag ready.
So, let us see how to make this handbag.
Here is how it works,
I first told you that you could get color A4 in any color you like. So, I took the yellow and purple A4 2s.
First, I am going to cut the yellow A4 into the necessary parts. I design most of my handbags in yellow.
Step 01
The yellow A4 should be folded and cut as I put it below. I have put it in the sizes you want to cut to make it easier for you. Like the photo, there are separate measurements.
The first part – 13 cm x 9 cm (Cut into one slice)
Part 2 – Pieces of this size 13cm x 7 1/2 cm (Cut into two slices)
Part 3 – 9 cm x 6 1/2 cm (We also need two pieces of this size)
That is how I cut out pieces of yellow paper.

Step 02
Now let’s stick to the parts of this handbag.
Fold the first part (13 cm x 9 cm) we cut into a strip as shown in the figure.
We need to fold the long side of the section like this. Fold about 1/2 cm on both sides.

Step 03
Next, take the two pieces we cut (13cm x 7 1/2 cm) and fold a strip along the long side of those two pieces.
Remember that both sides of the two parts do not bend. We fold one side of those two parts. We only need to fold the long side.

Step 04
Fold a strip on both sides of the third part (9cm x 6 1 / 2cm).
In those two parts, we do not fold the long sides. The two sides of the width are what we fold in those two parts. I have put it with pictures to make it clear to you.

Step 05
Now take the first part we folded (13cm x 9cm) and glue it to the top of the two folded parts on the second side.
We need to glue the two parts to the two sides folded in the first part.
You can see from the photo I have left.

Step 06
Next glue the folded sections (9cm x 6 1 / 2cm)
We glue the second two parts to the two sides of the width of the part we pasted earlier. A paper should glue the folded sides of both pieces of paper downwards.

Step 07
Next, we need to get the other colored paper we got. First, you need to cut a triangle out of it.
That means I have not taken measurements.
We need to fold a long strip in the same section as we did before.
Then bend the long side and fold the two corners slightly as shown.
We need to cut both sides with 13 cm left. Most of the sides I cut into a shape that way. After missing, the length of the section should be 13 cm.

Step 08
Cut off the two corners we folded over the bend lines. The part should not cut the middle, and Two corners should cut off only the sides.

Step 09
Now paste the cut part on the long side like the box we made earlier. The folded side is where we need to stick to it.

Step 10
Then glue the other side to the side where we pasted the box as shown in the photo.
Be sure to stick it in place so that it does not fall out of the box.

Step 11
Next, I cut a long strip of the same color as the triangle. You can use a different color paper for that part if you like.
It doesn’t have to be too fat. Cut it to standard size.
I have put the cut part in the photo.

Step 12
We need to take that part and stick it on both sides of the bag we made, like a handle. So, you know how to have a belt in a bag. Stick to both sides that way.
You can also wear a belt as you like.

Step 13
I first told you to buy something you like to stick to to make your bag beautiful. In the picture is the flower I selected. That flower is a paper flower I made.
I now have this flower neatly glued to the front of my bag.

Step 14
Here I am now making the handbag. You do not have to work hard to make this bag. Creating a handbag is very easy. So try to make it yourself.

When you make this paper craft design, you will also like this kind of design.
I have a collection nearby. Let me tell you a little bit.
Stay tuned if you want to learn more.