We all love flowers. Everyone loves flowers, regardless of whether they are adults or children. Flowers make the whole environment beautiful. Flowers or the beauty of the environment fades away. We all like to live in a beautiful setting full of flowers. We love to smell the flowers.
We all want to make our home a beautiful place full of flowers. Flowers are something that is especially associated with women’s lives. So, women are the ones who work hard to make their homes beautiful. Women love to keep their homes beautiful with new things.
So, I brought this new thing for those who want to make their home as beautiful as possible. I’m going to teach you how to create a lovely little flower using paper strips. But this little flower, I say, is made of paper, so it doesn’t smell. But there is no shortage of beautiful names.
You will also like to create this flower.
First, let’s see what we need to make a flower.
How to make flower using paper quilling
What you Need:
When making paper quilting flowers, we need quilting tools. And paper strips.
Now let’s see what I need to make my flower. First, we need paper strips to take a color you like. I took yellow and pink. We need two colored stripes to make the flower.
Also, I have to say paper strips come in sizes. Available in 3mm, 5mm, and 7mm. I have taken 5mm size paper strips.
I have taken six strips of paper in pink and three stripes in yellow.
And we need a paper quilling pen, and we need a quilling pen. We cannot roll paper strips without a paper quilling pen.
We also need a quilling board; a quilling board is not essential. If you have it, it will be easy for you. It will be helpful in the future as well.
Next, we need scissors and glue, and these are the things we need to make this paper quilling flower.

So now, let’s see how to create this flower.
Step 01
First, we take our pink paper strips. We have to roll it using a paper quilling pen. Roll out the paper strip and place it inside the enormous circle of the round shape on the quilling board.
Then the rolled strip loosens. I have put up a photo for you to see.
Glue the loose paper strips round to the flexible.
Five pink strips we need to roll like this.
Also, if you do not have a quilting board, you can loosen the tightly rolled paper strip by hand. You can make these shapes by hand for the same amount.
Give it a try.

Step 02
Then we have to roll up our strips and hold them with both fingers and tighten them on both sides.
The middle does not tighten.
The five circles we made should be tightened on both sides so that they continue to form.
Below is the photo.

Step 03
Now we need to take the yellow strips and cut them in half between the three stripes.
Then we have six parts of the yellow strip now.
Next, we need to wrap the yellow pieces around the petals we made. Stick around all five petals.
Half of the yellow paper strip is left. We finally need to keep it.

Step 04
We are now finishing making the flower petals. The flower petals Fold into the circle with the long petals we finished earlier, as shown in the image below.
We need to fold it into a C-shape. Do not fold in the middle of the flower petals. Tighten only on both sides.
Stick the folded petals in the middle in the same way as the new ones.
All five petals need to be folded and pasted.

Step 05
We finished making the flower petals. We saved half of the yellow stripe earlier, didn’t we? We need it now. We also have another pink line. Cut the pink strip in half as well.
Then glue the yellow stripe and the pink strip together.
We need to stick those two together, not one on top of the other. We have to glue it from one end of the column to the other.
It will be apparent to you because there are photos. See photos.

Step 06
Then combine the two colors and roll the strip we made with a paper quilling pen. We have to move to stay inside the yellow side.
The rolled strip does not loosen like before. Roll and paste-like that at the end.
It needs to Imprisoned tightened.
So now we have finished making all the parts needed for the flower.

Step 07
First, you need to put the flower petals together neatly.
Glue from slice to slice and paste nicely.
Then there is the part where we mix the two colors and take them and paste them in the middle of the flower that we made.
Now you made a flower-like mine, didn’t you? How beautiful?
So now make a lot of flowers and make your home beautiful too.

Next, I will teach you how to make another new flower.
If you have something unclear, don’t forget to watch the video below. Thank you.
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