I’m going to tell you this to make another Christmas decoration. I bring this paper design for those who like to create new designs at home with their own hands.
So, in this article, I will show you how to decorate a Christmas tree or make a paper flower from paper quilling suitable for home decoration.
I used quilling art to create this flower. In my previous articles, I have taught you how to make paper quilting flowers and paper quilting butterflies and use paper quilting materials.
How to make quilling christmas ornaments
So first, let’s see what we need to make this flower.
What you need:
We need paper strips to create these Christmas ornaments. I have taken three colors to show you (white, red, and green stripes). But I make this flower using only white and red paper strips.
I use red and white because they are the most used colors for Christmas.
We also need a quilling pen and a quilling board.
We also need two beads.
Glue and thread
These are the things we need to make Christmas flower ornaments.

Way of the making
Everything you need for a Christmas flower arrangement is ready. Let us now see how these ornaments are made.
Step 01: Roll out the paper strips.
I took five strips in red and five stripes in white.
First, roll out a strip of both colors.
Roll out using the quilling pen and place it on the quilling board in the circle shown in the picture.
Then loosen the roll of paper to the size of the quilling board and take it out of the quilling board and paste it.
Roll and paste all the red and white strips that way.

Step 02: Making quilling flower petals.
Take a circle of paper you have made and hold it tightly with two fingers on one side.
You can’t make a beautiful flower petal if you don’t want to tighten the flower petal well. So shrink it well with two fingers on one side and a little on the other side to make a pointed shape.
I have put a photo of how to tighten the flower petal.
Make flower petals out of all the red and white circles you have made.

Step 03: Red flower sticking.
Tighten the red flower petals together and glue the sides together.
Add the five petals like a flower and paste. First, you need to paste only the red flower.

Step 04: Sticking a white flower on top of the former red flower.
Let’s see how to attach white flower petals to a red flower.
One by one, you should paste the white petals over the red flower.
When pasting white flowers, we do not paste red flower petals directly on white flower petals.
Stick the white flower on top of the red flower so that a white flower petal comes in the middle of the two red petals.

Step 05: Sticking beads to the flower.
Glue the two tiny beads to each side of the flower.
Paste one bead in the center of the red flower and the other bead in the middle of the white flower.

Step 06: Arrange in such a way that you can hang the flower.
Now, all we have to do is add a thread to the flower we made.
Take a small piece of string and wrap it around a flower petal to make a Christmas wreath.

Finished: Now the Christmas flower ornaments are done.
We have now finished making the Christmas quill. You can create this Christmas flower in red and white as well as green and white.
Also, you can create this flower using paper strips of any color.
This quill flower can be used for any occasion, party, or anything you like, like creating greeting cards.

If you have something unclear, don’t forget to watch the video below. Thank you.
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